Thinking about CBD? Here are some things to know and how you can incorporate it after your yoga practice.

Thinking about CBD?

Here are some things to know and how you can incorporate it after your yoga practice.

By:Madeline Taylor

CBD oil is great for treating a variety of complex conditions such as pain relief, muscle spasms, and sore muscles, but did you know it can help you just feel better in general? Many people who have few serious health concerns still use CBD oil because of the effects it has on overall wellbeing. Many have even found it to be an effective muscle rub post-yoga.

What Is CBD Oil?

CBD oil, scientifically known as cannabidiol, comes from the cannabis or hemp plant. CBD is linked to marijuana, but it contains no THC, which is the psychoactive compound that causes a marijuana user to get high or feel stoned. CBD can be viewed as strictly a health supplement and is not something you need to feel bad about using or worry that it’s illicit.

CBD is considered a natural alternative for many prescription and over-the-counter medications. Studies have shown it’s effective in treating chronic pain, epilepsy, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, and a variety of other health issues. It stimulates the body’s endocannabinoid system and helps the body feel more in balance. It also has a positive effect on inflammation, which means it could help reduce the risk of many different diseases.

Using CBD for massage can help with:

  • Inflammation

  • Anxiety

  • Chronic pain

  • Problems with immunity

  • Lack of calmness

  • Sleep disturbances

In addition to feeling better physically, some people find that the topical application of CBD oil through massage helps with skin irritation including acne and rosacea. This is because the oil is both an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. By using CBD oil for self-care, you might find your skin is less puffy, smoother, and not as tight.

CBD oil is also all natural and produces very few, if any, side effects. Most people find they are able to gradually add CBD oil into their self-care plan and only experience benefits. As long as you are using a pure, high-quality dose of CBD oil without overdosing too quickly you shouldn’t have any problems adding it to your self-care regimen.

Researchers are not yet sure exactly how CBD oil works, but they do know it’s similar to the body’s natural system of producing cannabinoids. Basically, by using CBD oil, you’re enhancing your body’s own natural tendency to find homeostasis and feel good.

Cannabinoid receptors in your body are responsible for regulating coordination, emotions, pain, movement, thinking, memory, immunity, inflammation, and a variety of other things. The more you do to support this system the healthier and happier you’ll feel.

Originally, it was believed that CBD acted directly on the body’s CB2 receptor, but now researchers know that CBD influences the body to use more of its own natural cannabinoids. CBD oil helps the body do what it naturally wants to do. For example, patients with epilepsy and cancer use CBD oil to help their body combat and control the disease. It is not a cure, but it can help your body better deal with things when there are problems.

CBD oil is great for a variety of issues and can help you live a healthier, happier life, but it’s not a cure-all miracle drug. If a manufacturer is promising its product will solve all of your problems you’re likely dealing with an unscrupulous manufacturer. You’re better off buying oil from a company that provides clear and well-researched information that seems reasonable. If an ad for CBD oil says it will “cure cancer” or something just as hyperbolic, chances are you’re being conned.

You can start by incorporating it into your post-yoga routine. This is one of the easiest ways to introduce CBD oil to your body. You don’t need to take anything internally—just add a few drops to a carrier oil or blend it with your usual over the counter muscle rub product. It can also be a great addition to homemade oil blend made with essential oils. This way you are getting the benefits of CBD oil, as well as those aromatherapy benefits and direct benefits of essential oils.

A muscle rub post yoga can enhance the benefits of your yoga practice and help you transition from your practice into your next activity. Many people find that finishing off a yoga session with a CBD oil rub helps them get excited for the day ahead—if they practice in the morning—or it helps them drift off to a night of restful sleep, if they practice at night.

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Photo by Christin Hume

Lauren Verona